Kev Down Under

Kev's Adventures living in and traveling around Australia

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Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

I'm a native New Yorker, living in Sydney, with manners taught in Texas (the accent only comes out when I've had a little bit to drink). I can say "I like ice cream" in several languages, but little else (although I'm learning "where is the Embassy" is also a good one to know.) I have a serious weakness for chocolate-chip cookies.

31 January 2008

Back down under

When I started this blog I only intended for it to chronicle a three week vacation to Australia. I had no idea at the time that two and a half years later I'd be boarding a plane to move here indefinitely.

So I've started the blog up again, in part to keep friends and family back in America up to speed on my life down under, and in part to keep a record of my time here. I can't make any promises as to how frequently I'll update, but I can do my best to do so as often as life and work will allow.



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